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Have your credentials been compromised?

Your credentials have been compromised...
but you probably didn't know

If you've come to this site as a private individual, it's likely that this is following an email that you've received from us. 


In these emails, we inform people that their credentials (email/password etc.) have been leaked on the internet, and that they've been used in a subsequent attempt. This attempt will have been on a website of one of the many companies working with Ricochet Dynamics to fight fraud.

Although you may well not have an account with this company, we contact everybody whose email address and details have been attempted.

Why do we contact you?


The reason for this is very simple. The vast majority of individuals who have been victim of a credentials leak are totally unaware of the fact. That's what criminals rely upon.

By making you aware that you have been a victim and helping you to understand what has happened, we hope to prompt you to take steps to bolster your security, such as changing your passwords. This makes your stolen credentials worthless and protects you from fraud.

We walk you through the process of securing your credentials on our guidance and advice pages. Our service is entirely free for individuals; it is funded by contributions from our partner companies who work together with Ricochet Dynamics to fight online fraud.

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Credential stuffing
Is a type of attack where cyber-criminals use stolen and collected (harvested) credentials to attempt to login to other sites.
It is an effective means of fraud, as people tend to re-use the same email address/password combination on multiple sites; sometimes even for their actual email account. 

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